So happy I could start doing Crazy quilt .I have had a pause since my mother died in August 2005.It was totally stop because what I did the day before she died was CQ and it's very irrational but I got a connection in my mind between the two-death and CQ.I have been reading and looking at pictures and 2 weeks ago I found a yahoo group for beginners in CQ and after some days I couldn't stop doing it.Now I feel like a winner.So happy so.CQ is life.Happy life.My heart is very insprated by snow and winter.I loved doing embroidery with beads and different gold threads.
The second picture shows the wonderful fabrics,threads,beads and so on I'v got in a birthday swap.I was "adopted"
in April because we are 2 in May.This is a symphony of colours.I'm so thankful for these gifts.The 6th of April was a day full of happiness because they did my day so full of joy.So much feelings.Tears of joy and of sadness.
A friend-Lita-sent a block on the theme Japan and she did it so well and combined some technics.I really love it.I hope I can do my birthday quilt for 2005 and have this block in the middle of the miniquilt.My birthdaypals did a block each on the theme of Japan 2005.Now it's only 1 I miss.
Soon we have Easter and I love the yellow flowers,mostly tulips.Today I have got 20 red tulips too.
This morning we got big big snowflings.Beautiful but...we long for spring.The daylight give us hope and we really get the possibilities to work in daylight.On Friday I start a week of Easter holidays.Lovely.
I wish you all my friends a Happy Easter
Thank you for your lovely comments.
My birthday is on the 6th of May
Have a nice day
Ulla, I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Sending positve thoughts and vibes your way.
I'm glad you are working on the CQ again and keeping yourself absorbed. There is immense peace to find in doing things that you love to.
Your blocks looks beautiful. I'd love to see the CQ so far. I can imagine ,it must be pretty.
Wishing you a very Happy Easter too.
So lovely to see the heart you sent me, on your bl;og Ulla. I love the snow picture too. Happy Birthday for 6th XXXXXX Margaret
Thank you for all yor lovely comments.
You brighten my day all my friends all over the world
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