Wednesday, November 16, 2016

"Gotland in my heart"

The second workshop is about pattern traditions from Gotland and Halland.The roses on mittens from Gotland are really my favourites,both in the past and now.All the mittens are knitted in 100% wool.The ones on the needles are made by yarn made on Gotland.The kit is bought from

On you can find many pictures  stickat från gotland.

This weekend we are going to have Bohusstickning

I'm going to do wristwarmers.

I have a busy time just now as I'm going on the knitting workshop and next week on workshops in crazy embroidery

and mola embroidery

Wish you all a nice weekend and a nice new week.


Anonymous said...

Så många roliga kurser du går på! Du ser verkligen till att hålla dig sysselsatt:)

Gotlandsmönster är verkligen vackra! Det är nästan synd att man nästan bara använder dem när man stickar vantar:)

Alma said...

Åh vad vackra vantar! Ska du till Gotland också? Det är så fint där.