Monday, April 30, 2007

A gift from my "hemlis=secret friend"

Dear all

It's the first day of May and now and then snowflings are falling down.Hopefully it melts down at once.We said wellcome to the spring and the lovely May.The river is still covered with ice but....The days are longer and longer.

I have been so so happy for the first lovely gift from my "hemlis",a secret friend in a knittinggroup.

Earl Grey Luxury
A chocolate soap bar-I'm still smiling.Thanks for the joke.
Thin needles so lovely to knit with
A pattern for wristwarmers
A lovely skein of silk -so so soft

Thank you once again.This is just so fun.
I have also a friend to do nice things for.Waving to her.I think you read this blog but still I'm very secret....I hope.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

To my "hemlis" on in swedish only

Hejsan "Hemlis"

1. Vilken sorts garn tycker du mest om? Ull,ull-silke,alpacka.mohair
Är det något material du absolut inte tycker om?Acryl,polyester.....
2. Vilka är dina favoritfärger?
3. Är det någon färg du absolut inte tycker om?Kanske brunt eller orange eller...
4. Vilken sorts stickor tycker du bäst om/använder du helst?
Metall,bambu eller rosenträ
Raka och strumpstickor.
5. Hur länge har du stickat?45 år
Mittemellan kanske för jag har mycket att lära ännu.
6. Dricker bara te
7. Är du allergisk mot något?Rök.
8. Vilken slags musik tycker du om?Folkmusik och klassiskt.Lyssnar egentligen på det mesta.
9. Favoritgodis?Kexchoklad men jag måste sluta med godis.
10. Håller du på med någon annan "skapande hobby", förutom stickning?
Broderi, virkning,patchwork,färga garn,knyppla.......
11. Vad tycker du är roligast att sticka? Sjalar,vantar,muddar och sockar?
12. Prenumererar du på någon sticktidning?Endast Piecework.Köper Interweave knitting.
13. Har du något drömprojekt på önskelistan?En sjal från Victorian lace.
14. Använder du pulsvärmare/handledsvärmare? I så fall, vad är ditt handledsmått?15-16. Tycker du om att sticka pulsvärmare?1Jaaaaa
6. Stickar du sockor?Ja
17. Vad har du för fotstorlek? 37
18. När fyller du år? 6 maj
19. Stickar du med pärlor?Ibland.
20. Vilken slags böcker (ej stickning) läser du helst?Romaner.Olika faktaböcker om mina olika intressen.

Ser fram emot att vara din hemliga vän.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

The first new sock, friendshipdoll and some days of relax

The first sock in Regis is read.

Cuff:CO 60 on 2 1/2 on 4 needles
R 1-12 k2, 12 row

Wavy lace ribbon
Leg:R1-*k 2tog,yo,p2*.........

Then I used an ordinary sockpattern from Garnstudio for the rest of the sock.

Yesterday I did the CQ fron of the friendship doll
I'm going to do it in the samy style as my CQ-card.During the next week I maybee get the time to do some embroidery.

I have had some holidays and it has been so good to get time to just relax.I really needed it because I had a very busy time in March and also a flu now and then.Today we had a little barbeque in the "garden".Well in the white snowy garden but the snow melts down and we have a lot of sunshine.Many people have used the Eastern period to be out in the nature too.

I wish you all my friends a lovely Springtime.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Click on ....

Click on Läs om påskristet och påsken after the article about Fastlagsriset.
There you find a lovely Easter egg I dream about.Mady of sugar and decorated a little kitshy but...Only seen it once but never have had it.Costs a lot and I haven't seen them in shops for a long time.Well a dream makes you happier.


Today it's a "long Friday" when we reminds of the cruel death of Jesus.
In my chilhood the remining day was a day of silence and they only plaid some christian songs and calm music on the radio.No shops,no visits,no....well you really had a day of sorrow.For a child it was not so easy to understand.

Nowadays it's a day of resting and being in the nature or just relax and maybe visiting near friends or go by skiing or by snowscooter in the north of Sweden.You can go shopping food and so on.The Christianity has not the same role now.
You can see some pictures of decorations and so on.Sorry it's only in Swedish .Hope you can enjoy the pictures.

Happy Easter