We have had a very special Friday at work with many exhibitions of different companies in our village where they showed what they are working with and the students also could learn more about different types of work we have in our region.Maybe somebody found a work or an idea what to study.We also had guests talking about their lives and what they are working with and how they reached their goals.We all have to believe in our ideas and we have to take some chances too.Maybe you can find the way to your goal or find another one.
It was early morning when I came to my work and we could see snow art and fires giving us positive signals.Very very nice and so wellcome.And the day was very inspiring in many ways.Some of our art students had made dresses,maybe not so wearable ,made by materials from the nature or from the "stash" on the way to the dump yard.From these you are getting ideas foe a wearable dress for a party.Well maybe not a winterparty.Yesterday we had - 30C outside but maybe for a summer party dress for somone.They also had an exhibition of paintings and other types of art.
Today it's Friday and I have been knitting on the blanket for charity and having a cup of tea.It's a tea I'v got from a dear friend and it reminds me of the Christmas time.
Last Sunday we said goodbuy to the Christmas and now we are looking forward more daylight and sunshine.But we only have 11 months to the Christmas 2014.Maybe the right time to start making some gifts now?What about you?For this year I did only half of the things I eas going to do.
It's the first cross stich for 2014.I felt so happy to do this for a Valentine swap friend .It's done on linen fabric with DMC (cotton) 814,2 strands.This colour is one of my favourites.The pattern is something I have found on internet for some years ago and I have no link to it. While I was participating in the embroidery course I had no time for just stitchin a little item but now I have.Hopefully I can do one little item during January.
We have very cold days just now ,about - 29 C so it's so perfect sitting inside doing some embroidery or knitting some rows on the white blanket,now with 2 rows of blue every 20 rows.
Wish you all a nice new week.
PS.I had to change picture as I saw that 1 had missed 1 cross stitch. DS
We have - 14C and the daylight is back for some houres every day and are really happy for that.Just now we are knitting blankets for charity.
Our local yarn shop has got some kits from Sandnesgarn for us so we are going to knit blankets for small children living somewhere in Ethiopia.My kit has white as the main colour and I'm going tohave some rows of blue on the second 67,5 cm of it.And a blue row around.my goal is to to something for charity every year.Later I'm going to do something for a swedish organisation,Hjälpstickan.
Wish you all a nice Sunday.Take care of the moment.
The first pair of socks for 2014.The colours brighten up a cloudy day.They are made in 100% wool,Lima.Hopefully in a week have clear and colder days so we get rid of these rainy days.I 'm longing for long walks in a beautiful winter landscape.Until then I maybee have time to start a new pair,knitted in the yarn I got as a Christmas present.They are going to be perfect socks for a lovely spring day.
Wish you a nice Sunday.
The visit in Luleå started with a lunch.The soup was made by carrots,lenses,bullion,small pieces of smoked salmon and cream.We got leaven bread with cheese and after that tea or coffe and a biscuit.I also hade a meeting with my sister and her daughter.The musum in Luleå had an exhibion with mittens from the north of Sweden.The ones in bright colours are/were patterns common in the area where the lapplanders are living.Some of the other mittens are designed by Solveig Larsson,f ex the ones with white cuff and light blue and white patterns and the grey and white ones.
My visit ended with a walk passing the big park where they have an installation with the Santa family.I really miss the ice sculptures there but we have had so warm beginning of our winter.